
SpeedyFox 2.0.30 Browser speed optimizer for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

SpeedyFox Abstract:

SpeedyFox is a free and portable utility which can instantly increase the speed and performance of a number of web programs including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Skype, Cyberfox, Pale Moon and Thunderbird. It is a free, but ad-supported Firefox optimizing application that's portable, easy-to-use and user friendly.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Boost the performance of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Skype, Thunderbird - Screenshot of SpeedyFox
Boost the performance of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Skype, Thunderbird.
Screenshot of SpeedyFox - 1617px · 935px
Portable browser optimizer - Screenshot of SpeedyFox
Portable browser optimizer.
Screenshot of SpeedyFox - 1617px · 935px